Saturday, September 3, 2011

Seronok ke duduk hostel ?

Posted by Unknown at 3:13 AM
Another home sweet home for you <3
Bila ada kawan, semua jadi indah (^_*)
Seronok kat asrama? Are you having fun doing the same r0utine and live in the horrible 'cage'?
Pusing kepala anda 90' ke kiri. Ini ketua warden. He'll be your second father and take very go0d care of you .
Biar orang yang dah empat tahun duduk hostel ni jawab  Cehh, bukan nak perasan eh . The answer is .. Yeessaa, seronok sangat . Eih , tak suka , buruk ? Hmm, itu jawapan pada first sight tengok asrama . I have gone through s0 many things kat asrama . Yeah, campus life . Hmm, apa yang best ? Too many things dear. Cubalah sendiri . Apa yang paling ketara is when you stay in hostel, you g0nna miss your home :) seriously I'm not j0king.Ask your friend yang sekolah harian, selama dia sekolah ada tak dia rindu nak balik rumah. I'm pretty sure tak ada. Yelah, dah hari-hari ulang-alik sekolah ke rumah, naik menyampah adalah . Betul tak?? One more thing, you'll miss your lovely mom and dad, your ann0ying brother and also y0ur naughty sister. Ini berdasarkan experience ni. I admit that. Bila duduk hostel, y0u will go thr0ugh so many things with your friends. Stayed up late night bila esok ada exam. Pergi sekolah dengan mata macam burung hantu sebab siapkan homework semalam. Makan maggy malam-malam buta sambil gelak terbahak-bahak. Buat lawak bodoh, memalukan diri and so many things. Try lah, belum cuba belum tahu. You will enjoy it very damn much. Kalau bergaduh dengan rakan or maybe you have to deal wih great pr0blems, you have to s0lve it yourself. Itu yang mematangkan kita bila kita duduk kat asrama. Eh, not d0ne yet. Lagi satu.. bila duduk kat asrama, kita boleh solat jamak and qasar kat rumah sebab kita dah bermukim tempat lain. Haa, seronok kan. Tapi tertakluk kepada terma dan syarat jugak lah.So, what's your choice ??
Budak asrama ada life jugak, malah lebih happy:)


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